Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Still workin it, just more sporadic

Long time, no update. And there's lots to say.

This is the problem with a full time job. Over the summer I was free
to date and write away. Now I just want to eat and drink and be lazy
with my DVR. I am trying to get back in the swing of things, and I
have been on a few interesting dates. Today and tomorrow I have jury
duty so I have the chance to catch up on important things, like the
HB!  I do think its worth noting that I did try to look somewhat ok
today bc I am in a courthouse and you never know who you will meet.
Meanwhile, there is a large woman, with mighty large breasts hanging
out reading 50 Shades right next to me.

Name: Buddha
Date 2: well...not really sure it was a date. Seems the Buddha has
about zero game.
The plan was to see a documentary movie. He asked if I was interested
in going, I was but was going back home to meet my two new favorite
people for the first time ever, E and B.  I love them.
Then I didn't hear from him. I think he thought I was blowing him off
which wasn't the case at all. It seems like guys get this impression
from me. I think they all need to grow some balls.
After a week, I texted him and he asked again about the movie. We made
a plan.  I met him at the theater on a Sunday afternoon. We were going
to get coffee first. When I met him it was raining, but not too badly.
We went up to the booth to buy tickets. He went first, and bought one
ticket. Yep. One. Didn't pay for me. So I bought mine, then we went to
coffee and I went first.  I bought for myself. Seriously uncool. This
is why I am not sure if it was a date, it was very bizarre. If he
thought it was a date and didn't buy me a movie ticket and coffee,
this is clearly not the man for me. Also, I think he's too smart for
me.  He goes to intellectual movies, I see movies about girls who
start sex lines. He reads books, I read blogs.  I watch a lot of tv,
he does not. I am no dummy, but he projects a much higher intelligence
than me, and I can't keep up. I am good at pretending though.
The movie was good, depressing, but good. We sat in the theater and
talked about it for a little bit after. Then we went to the subway to
go home.  There was a weird moment where I think he didn't know
whether or not to kiss me. He didn't.
I spent the subway ride wondering what just happened. If it was a
friends thing, that's fine, but then he sent a text saying we should
meet in Brooklyn next time. No way I'm traveling to Brooklyn to pay
for another coffee. Feed me food, pay for it and act like its a date
dammit. A few days after he asked what I was doing, that evening (way
to give a girl some time to prepare bud). Sister and BIL were coming
in town that night, I guess Buddha has a poor memory bc I did tell him
that. He said he forgot. Whatever. I haven't heard from him since. I
could have said "sister and BIL are coming tonight, but I'm free later
this week". But I did not. He can take the lead and ask me out again
if he wants. I'll likely see him in Nov when friends are in town, so
we'll see what happens there.

When relaying my date to friends, I asked, what is it about me that

make guys not pay for me?  Co said "maybe they think you are
independently wealthy". I thought this was hilarious. Clearly not the
case, but it certainly seems to be a trend with the men I choose.
It's so lame and totally counters my whole plan to get free food and
Ok. Next.

Name: Rock Climber
This is not a date, but a phone call.   I mentioned in a past post
that he called and left a message.    I left one back. He took a while
but finally called me back. I was a little drunk when he called, and I
picked up. I was so curious about what he had to say.

Right away he asked if I had gotten a bike for a bike race I was
planning on doing. He clearly had this planned to say to break the ice
bc it was such a random thing to ask.  We chatted about a bunch of
stupid stuff for a while. He asked how my summer was and commented
that I was away for a long time. It was really only a month, but I
think that's why he stopped corresponding with me. I think it's pretty
immature. He knew I had the trip planned, he could have easily stayed
in touch. Again, grow some balls.

Then he told me he moved out of his place. I thought to myself, yay,
no more roommate. Maybe he even got himself a tv. Nope. Guess where he
moved. Guess.

In with his parents!

I can't even make this stuff up. It's amazing. He said its closer to
where he was doing rotation, and how he can't wait to be done and move
and how he's already getting recruited. But seriously. He is 38. He
lives with mom and dad. I knew they were close and he visited them
more than most grown men would visit their parents, but now he lives
with them. I acted like it didn't matter, but it definitely does.
Then, he asked if I wanted to take a yoga class with him the next day.
He had a one month membership to a yoga studio, which happens to be
the yoga studio I go to when I (very, very rarely) do yoga. He said he
had a bunch of free passes for me to use.

So lets get this straight.
He doesn't contact me for 3 months.
He calls and tells me he moved in with his parents.
He wants to take me to a free yoga class. The next day.

Is he kidding?  I obv said no, I had plans. I could take a free yoga
class on my own, plus after being MIA for so long, he really should
take me on a real date. Then he asked me to hang out that Saturday
afternoon (he was watching his nieces on Sat night ). Too bad, I had
During the conversation he did say "I guess you were surprised to hear
from me."   Duh. Yes. I said what's that's all about?  He said "I
don't know. I kept thinking about you."  Of course he did.  What a
moron. I haven't heard from him since and doubt I will. I'm sure he
thinks I don't like him, as that's what he thought after all our other
dates, but this time he's right!

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