Friday, December 28, 2012

A storm on my heart

Hi all.  I bet you think I've become really boring and stopped dating. Not true at all. I did take a hiatus- not self imposed-for a while. Then went on a few dates. Stopped again, now I'm back. It's not always easy!  And only the weirdos write to me on the dating sites.  I don't think finding men is really the problem, it's finding normal guys that I like that is hard. Very hard. I know this is everyone's problem, but it's new to me. 

Here goes- this one will be short bc I am still really mad about the guy...

Name: Storm (because he stormed into my black heart and then right back out)
Age: 31 or 32
Met:  This was a set up months in the making. He is the brother of Co's husband's friend. They thought we'd be a good match. It took a while bc first he was traveling, then I was away for the summer, then he travelled more, then I got really sick, then there was a hurricane. Finally we were supposed to meet the night of the nor'easter. He gave me an out, saying we could reschedule but at this point I really wanted to meet him and said I would brave the storm, being the tough Midwestern gal that I am.

Date 1:  a wine and cheese bar,yeah, I know. Not the best choice for me but I scoped out the menu ahead of time and there were things I could eat.

We arrived at the same time.  I was pretty bundled up because of the storm, he was not dressed appropriately for the weather, but he's a guy so it makes it ok. I told him right away that I couldn't eat cheese.  He acted like he was ok with it (but I know really he loves cheese) and said I could have picked another place, but I was fine with the cheese spot. We ordered a bottle of wine and a few things off the menu without dairy.   

The date lasted a long time. We had so so much in common. He likes the same music as me (this was HUGE for me, not a lot of my friends have the same taste).  He knew all the smaller bands that I like, in fact he is a music nut and goes to concerts every week. He'd seen every band I named. He likes to cook, and eat out at new places, I like to eat out too!  He runs, he loves Game of Thrones, we have the same favorite author (not even sure how the author thing came up). He's successful, lawyer, lives in a cool neighborhood, owns a tv, close with his family. All the good stuff. We had a lot to talk about and I had a great time. I liked him right away. 

After the restaurant and making out on the street I couldn't find a cab, so he walked me home!  A mile in the nor'easter. Very chivalrous. It was amazing. We made out more outside my building and I went home. 

I heard from him the next day- which was awesome. But he was going to Vegas for a long weekend so I knew I wouldn't see him. We got intel from his brother that storm also thought the date went well and we had a ton in common.  I  wasn't really ready to open myself up to liking him, but I had a feeling I would soon.  This was fast for me.  I was excited. 

Date 2: a concert!
Yep, that's right. When storm got back from Vegas he texted me the next day that he scored last minute tickets to a concert and would I like to go?  The concert was that night. I had conferences the next day. I didn't have a ton of time to wrap my head around the idea but Feathers and Co both said GO!  So I did. We met at the concert hall at 9. I was nervous but game for a new experience. We got drinks, I was impressed that he was willing to go out, and to drink after a weekend in Vegas. 

The concert was great. We talked, listened, just a nice time. He kept putting his arm around me so I made a conscious decision to be nice and let it happen.  I also decided I liked him (big mistake) so I was cool with it. Although awkward, I was all girly and leaned against him and stuff. I feel weird even writing this. It was out of character for me, and warming up to someone, a guy, is not something I like to do. 

I did learn that he does not, and never has "eaten a sandwich". I asked this when other people at the concert we eating sandwiches around us. He didn't  ask if I did, but I could sense that it may develop into a potential problem. 

After the concert where I acted like a mushy girl (puke) he asked if I wanted to get a drink at a bar.  It was really late but I was into him and we were holding hands so I said yes. At the bar we talked more, found more we had in common.  Finally, at around 2:30/3 am we left. Made out a lot on the street and I got in a cab.  

I was in trouble. I liked a guy. After only two dates. I wasn't sure what to do. I was very upset with myself for liking someone so quickly. I texted him thank you for taking me to the concert the next day. This is something that as a rule I never do. But I liked this fool so I did it. He wrote back, I wrote again.

I don't understand. He told his bother the date was good. We had a great time. He made me think its ok to like him. He have so much in common. I feel like a foolish girl.
Here are some possible  reasons why I haven't heard from him:
He likes cheese too much and is disappointed I can't eat it
He thinks I'm too hefty
He fell off the face of the earth
He wanted to meet someone who shares no interests with him
He got back together with his catholic ex girlfriend 
He's a moron
He is intimidated by how cool I am

I don't know. I'm mad. I can't let it go. I wish he gave some indication of what the fuck happened. Oh well. 

I learned a lesson. My friends think the lesson I learned is that that are guys out there that could have the same interests as me and like the same music as me. That's not at all what I learned. Here's what I learned: don't like anyone so quickly. Make them wait a little before I really decide I  like them and open my heart up to them.  I am taking this very seriously. Stupid storm screwed with my head.  

Sorry for the angry post. This is also part of why I haven't written for so long. Many more coming now.  

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