Monday, September 24, 2012

A new friend in Michigan

I have come to the realization that I like to take my clothes off. For
someone with so many body issues I guess it's kinda weird. But it
keeps happening, and I don’t really stop it. I  should though. Or
is it normal to do that?  I don't even know. I take them off pretty
quickly too...

As I was celibate for most of August, bc no men to be found, I was
shocked to meet someone cool THE SATURDAY BEFORE I LEFT!

Name: G
Age: 38
I was in downtown Detroit with my dad, his gf, his two friends and
their wives. That's how I roll. My sister texted me that she has a guy
for me to meet and to come see her. Well, I didn't have a car so that
was not possible.  Sister was with her bestie who knew G.  I love this
girl and checked to make sure she was not interested before I got any
further.  Sister assured me he was normal, and funny. I checked out
his fb and he looked 'aight so I gave her the go ahead.  He texted me
not long after. He was funny. Asked me to meet up over the weekend. We
set a coffee date the next day. 

Date 1: coffee, in Royal Oak.
 I drove to meet him bc there was a lot going on in RO that weekend
and it is an all around cooler place to meet than near me. There
wasn't even a discussion about this, bc it is a fact.
He was a gentleman before I even met him. I was driving there and he
called me to say he forgot about the parking situation, it might be
hard to find a spot. I had already secured a spot at my sister’s house
so I was set. But it was so nice of him to think about that.
I walked from her place. It took longer than I thought bc the maps app
makes things look waaaay closer than they really are. He was sitting
outside with what he described to me as "a long skateboard". I of
course knew it was a longboard (see date 1 with RC, that loser). G was

G is tall, 6'3", has a good job, owns a house which he lives in,
alone, owns a nice tv, a car, sounds pretty good, right?  He has a bit
of baggage too though, far from perfect.
Coffee convo was great right away. He is funny, interesting, sarcastic
(very important for me). He even paid for my coffee. We were having a
good time. He asked if I was hungry, duh, yes, always. So we went to
the festival going on a block away.  He bought my ticket! I am easily
We walked around and talked. He is divorced too.  We talked about what
it was like to get and be divorced, and dating. It was a very open and
honest conversation and I loved it. We had pulled pork sandwiches,
yum, he paid. Then smoothies (dairy free, we had already covered that
topic), he paid, again!  I didn't even need a wallet!  Anyways, all
was going swell. We walked around and talked a ton, I mean seriously
had a great time.  We walked back to his house. I attempted to go on
the longboard. I failed.

His house is really nice.  We sat and talked for a while, about
everything, including: Ryan Gosling, G's poor taste in music, his
daughter, yep (7 years old), our marriages, our ex's, travel, family,
food, Michigan.  

Then we made out.  After doing that for a while he said he wasn't sure
what to do next. He could (and wanted to)  invite me upstairs, but he
wasn’t that type of guy, I said I am trying not to be that type of girl
(lie).  He said I should come back to RO later to meet up. There was a
free concert at the festival. I wasn't sure how genuine his invite
was, but I had nothing else going on so I said I probably would. He
drove me back to my car bc it looked like a long walk when we looked
up how I could get back. I went home. He texted me that I should come
meet him later that night. That meant another shower, clean clothing.  Still, worth it.
I was going.

Date 2: new clothes= new date.
I met him near the concert, he had left bc it was way too crowded. We
went to a bar for a drink.  Sat there and after one drink decided it
was too loud so we left and went to another bar. He is still paying
for all of this btw. At second bar some peeps he knew starting coming
in and it might have been a scene. We left. 
We walked around and talked a bit. I told him about the young guys I
went on dates with, he told me about the girls he's dated. It was
really fun to talk about this with him. We walked back to his place.
He put on music. I asked if it was seduction music. And did he have
mood lighting too. He had dimmers, close enough.

Oh. We also talked about blogs and his ex has one, as does her
boyfriend. I don't think he's a fan of them. So that's good news for

We started making out again. I stopped him from taking my pants off. I
decided I should not have sex again so quickly or easily.  He
respected that. During all of this we continued to talk about making
out with other people and that getting a disease was really scary. He
was tested, twice. I think he gets around.  I said that herpes was my
biggest fear, his is AIDS. I told him that's ridiculous, herpes is
much more prevalent and that he needs to be concerned about it. AIDS
is not on my radar, maybe it should be?
My pants did eventually come off.  However, we did not have sex (with
our privates).
After... I said I was going to sleep at my own house. He asked if I
was hungry, maybe pizza? I reiterated that yes, I am always hungry. It
is a constant in my life.  He drove us to get pizza, I ordered mine
with no cheese and it was delish. Yes, he paid!  While at the pizzeria
a bunch of skanky looking girls came in.  G said those types of girls
never talk to him. I said that if he was trying to avoid disease, then
it's probably a good thing because they most likely all had herpes. He
then said, "there's this one Jewish girl who dresses like that". I
knew exactly who he meant too. 

After pizza he drove me back to my car. I certainly did not predict my
day going that way when I woke up. What a surprise. The next day I did
hear from him. He asked me to come hang out again (um, booty call?). I
totally would have but it was my last night and I had to pack.  He
again complimented me on my awesomeness (interpret that however you'd

I know G is not looking for anything serious and I am not really
either, at least not in MI, not yet. So it was perfect. I have someone
to hang out with while I am home and it's a good time. It's too bad we
didn't meet earlier in the month. But who knows how it would have
gone.  I will stay in touch with this one. It turns out some people DO
casually date in MI.  Yes!

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