Monday, September 24, 2012

Uh Oh...I like this one

Dating sucks, please put me out of my misery.  I met a guy I like.  Like really like.  I don’t know if I like him because he seems like he likes me, or if it’s because we made out, but I do like him.  Now I see why dating sucks.  I sit next to my phone all day and he going to text me?  Does he still like me?  Maybe I shouldn’t have told him about my bunions/dairy allergy/fainting problem/unreasonable fear of getting raped (I really need a filter, I have a bit of a problem with telling people a little too much).  It is making me crazy.  I guess before this I wasn’t so into any of the guys so I didn’t really care where it went, but this is different!  I really feel like a psycho woman.  I am trying, hard, super hard, to play it cool.  But it is not easy. 

Name: Rock Climber (yes, he actually does this, how cool right?)
Age: 37 (yay!)
Met: My very good friend was at a BBQ with her college friends.  Rock Climber was there and they got to talking.  She remembered she always liked him in college.  When she found out he was single she thought of me.  He wants to get married, have kids, whole shebang (he did not tell me this, she did.  She is good at getting information!)  I can be down with all of that.  She left me the cutest message EVER about how she found a potential date for me.  I saved the message.  I love it.  I gave her the green light on forwarding my information.  He called me while I was actually at her house!  I called back and pretended I wasn’t, I told him I was going to her house the next day.  It’s always great to start things off on a lie…  He asked me out for that Friday.  He even said “now you guys can talk about me while you are at her house.”  I assured him that we would.  Then we texted (for an hour) that night.  
Things I learned from the texting: he has a French bulldog, likes to rock climb, swim, has a longboard (this is like a skateboard but a bit longer and wider, I asked), lives in Cobble Hill (a cool neighborhood in Brooklyn, totally acceptable.  I say this because there are some neighborhoods I would not be a fan of, Marcy Projects-not okay), used to live on the Upper West Side, he doesn’t think of running as “fun,” nor do I, but I am trying SO hard to like it.  He likes margaritas and going to eat and thinks it is perfectly fine that I said tequila is awesome and that it did not make me sound like an alcoholic to say that, because I was afraid that it did.

Date One: Late lunch at a popular UWS brunch spot
The day of the date was another day in the upper 90’s.  I wore shorts.  This is highly unusual for me.  I never, ever, ever wear shorts.  That’s how hot it was.  I actually had to buy shorts because I didn’t even own any.  Well, I owned one pair but lost them and when I found them they were too tight.  That’s a whole other story though.  So I bought shorts.  I made them look cute with a sheer top and gold sandals.  The outfit worked. 
He picked me up on my corner, gentleman, and we walked to the place.  He was standing on a different corner at first.  I had to text him and ask if he was the guy in the yellow shirt, because who knew?  It was funny.  
The whole meal was great.  He eats a lot, which he made clear right away.  He asked if I wanted to share pancakes and waffles.  So, I had to tell him about my dairy problem.  Pretty sexy.  He is in school to be a physician’s assistant and found this really interesting.  He asked all about my allergy.  He didn’t ask for specifics about what happens when I do eat it, thank god, but he probably knew.  So he knows about my dairy problem, he also learned that I faint when blood is taken.  He knew the specific term for it too, Vasel-Vagel Syncope.  So impressed. 
We each ordered a drink and omelet.  He followed up his omelet with pancakes.  His reasoning was that he likes dessert and pancakes are like a breakfast dessert.  I too love desserts, but didn’t want to look like a total pig by ordering cake, so I ate the blueberries on his pancake. 

Conversation was great; I asked a lot of questions, as per usual.
Then we walked to Riverside Park.  FYI- that makes 3 guys that have taken me to Riverside Park, weird.  But I liked Rock Climber so I was okay with it, despite the high 90 temps.  
We stopped in the Boat Basin and got waters, then sat on the grass and talked some more.  Then we kissed.  Big make out session. This was admittedly really weird for me.  I am not so big on PDA, especially so close to where I live.  I was worried someone would see me.   I kept my sunglasses on just in case.  This is all new territory, so I am learning to be comfortable with this kissing new people thing.  Don’t get me wrong, I fully enjoyed the kissing, not slobbery at all.   He is really chill.  I told him that.  He said I seemed pretty chill too, but that I maybe have an edge underneath.  (Ha, he’s in for a real surprise if that what he thinks.   More like raging crazy woman.  But I will let him think I am chill for now…).  He drove his car (Subaru, 4 door, black) to the Upper West because he was going to his parent’s house in New Rochelle after, and we got in.  He had gotten a ticket!  His registration expired a week ago, lame cop.  But Rock Climber handled it so well.  While I probably would have run after the cop and cried, he shrugged it off and was like “whatever, oh well.”  Maybe he did this to appear cool and collected in front of me, but it worked, he did come off that way.  Bravo!  
We kissed more in the car in front of my building and I went home.  It was a great first date.  He texted me the next morning asking me to hang out Sunday night.  I said yes, of course.  I was really excited. 

Date 2: Tapas restaurant in the West Village
I was so excited for this date.  Finally a guy I liked.  I knew exactly what I was going to wear so that took a lot of stress out of the situation.  I was also pretty sure we would make out again (we did) and was looking forward to that part of the date.  We sat at the bar, the place was really tiny, and ordered a bottle of wine and tapas.  The whole date was great.   I talked too much, again and told him things I probably shouldn’t have.  I showed him my bunion surgery scar (What is wrong with me?!?  I think I need a chaperone).  I told him that I prefer wearing flip flops to any other type of shoe, that I eat sardines (I don’t, but I did on this date), and went into detail about the importance of flossing teeth and how I picked up this habit from my SUPER PRETTY AND SMART friend, whom I gave floss to as a gift when I went to visit.  I really told him this (not about her being pretty and smart, but she is).  After we ate we walked and went to a park in the village and made out on a bench there.  He did admit that he is shy about the whole PDA thing, thank god!  I am too, although out of my neighborhood I didn’t feel as bad about it, still, I would rather not do it.  Some things are better left for inside apartments.
Naturally, I am now feeling crazy, because I do like this one.  I totally understand why dating is awful.   If this is what its like for me after two dates, this is going to be a loooong road. 
Date 3 is tonight, someplace on the Upper West Side- so close to my apartment, hmm….  It really is a wonder that he asked me out again.  I will try to keep my big mouth in check- but I am not making any promises.

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