Monday, September 24, 2012

I’m Still Here, Just Rounder

An Update From Michigan

It's Thursday evening and I just shampooed my hair with body wash,
after eating a corned beef sandwich with coleslaw and dressing, with a
side of seven layer cake, and a soda!  Things are going well here in
Michigan. I have taken my "hiatus" pretty seriously, by eating
everything in sight. I really am thinking it might be more fun than
dating. Anyways, I am sending out an update because I keep getting
asked.  Dating here has been a no go. No one wants to set me up
because I don't liiiiive here. Whatever, people don't causally date in
metro Detroit?  Lame.

Here's the status on my NY men:

Rock Climber
I don't know what to say about this dude. We were supposed to hang out
the Thursday and Friday that I was leaving. He got sick so couldnt see
me Thursday, and Friday came in around lunch. He drove in from his
parents place. (He was there on Thursday. He goes home a lot.) (red
flag)  I was really appreciative that he came in to see me before I
left. We had a nice lunch and he came back to my place to hang out
after.  No kissing or sex though bc he was sick. Somehow I still ended
up in my undies.  Weird I guess. (red flag?) I asked him if we would
talk while I was away, he said yeah, we can FaceTime.  ok. So he left.
 I left. I texted him the next day while home. Got short reply back.
This went on for a few days.  He was still sick for a while. I kept on
reaching out, asking what was up... He stopped responding August 14. I
just looked to be sure. Just stopped. Really, seriously. Fucked up. I
am upset- but not bc of why you may think. I am upset bc he asked me
to open up, and I did. I told him I liked him. I was clear. And then
he pulls that shit. Not cool. I don't think I would have married the
guy, so I will live. But it wasn't nice.  Also, he doesn't have a TV.
It's 2012. Get a television yo!
I guess I did know what to say about him.

Score in the Buddha department. He is great. He stayed in touch all
summer. We texted and talked about the Olympics, concerts, music. He
is pretty awesome. I even sent him a picture of Northern Michigan, it
was so pretty. (I was not in it).   I am pleased with our
correspondence and hope to see Buddha again. Even as a friend, he is

Oh, A. He was doing so well and then a bomb fell on my lap
last night.  He texted me the day I left. I texted him a few weeks
ago, we wrote back and forth a bit. Earlier this week he asked me what
day I was coming back. I was thinking I would see him again. Then, I
found out he told (at least one person) allll about what happened on
our date. I hope you get me when I say he told EVERYTHING that
happened. Except of course that he didn't pay for me, but someone made
sure people knew about that. (Thanks girl!). He's like a girl. I can't
believe he told. I am pretty embarrassed and upset that he did that. I
now do not plan on seeing him again. I guess people who heard weren't
that phased by the information, but that's some private shit.
Seriously disappointed in him.

Yes, I still love it. Except that now the guys are asking to meet me
and I don't want to meet them. I just get bored and like to talk to
them through the okcupid website. My brother did tell me it was mean
to lead them on. So now I'm just not responding to them. They should
get the hint. It worked for RC with not responding to me. I’m trying it out.

That's my report. It's been a lazy summer of too much food (fudge,
peanut m&m's, peanut butter, and dairy free frozen chemicals to be
exact), too many 'sandwiches', and less aggressive workouts. General gluttony.
I did start running outside for real though and signed up for a race
in September. It's only 4 miles, but still. It's a big deal for me!
It may not be a big 'race' as much as it seems like an event where you
run 4 miles and then get free stuff (free stuff is probably my
favorite thing in the world, many of you are aware of this. I am
suuuch a Jew). My dad did point out that it's not really free bc I am
paying to enter the race, but it will feel free when I am there.
I spent a lot of time at the grocery stores here. They all give
amazing samples. I got it down to where I know where the best fruit
samples are, best veggie, best lunchtime. It's pretty ridiculous. I
was kinda bored. It does seem like the month flew by. It's amazing how
quickly I can put on weight. I need to get back to NY just so I have
pants that fit!

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone back in the city, and going out
drinking and walking home!  Such an amazing thing I will never take
for granted.  Also looking forward to not being able to afford food so
I can lose this gut and get back on the dating train.  Until then..

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