Monday, September 24, 2012

Tall, Dark, and jobless, please

Sooooo, it turns out I DO have a type!

In talking to friends about my dating escapades I have come to realize
that most of these guys have something in common.  They don't have
jobs. Wtf. Sure, some are in grad school, or recently graduated and
are looking, but really. I have dealt with the grad school thing, it
sucked. I dealt with the looking and not liking his job thing. Sucks
more. If the guy does have a job, some did, they live with parents.
So, I have a type. I didn't think I did.
I was willing to go out with anyone and people were happy to set me up.  Only the
guys either were in school, or live with parents. That's my type. (no shocker that this is who is available)  Nice right? Making my parents even prouder.   Whatever happened to a
nice Jewish doctor?  I suppose I can look for that when I am more
serious about a relationship. These guys can hold me over until then.
At least it keeps my days filled- because they have nothing to do
during the day either.  Sure, they will find jobs, I hope, they just don't have them yet. Heres to hoping....

FYI:  3 dates this past week, so stay tuned. All 3 different guys, and that's right- no job for any of them. 

Name: Buddha (this is because he is Buddhist. Although we did not talk about it on the date, I already knew this about him, plus it's on his Facebook profile)
Age: not sure!  But over 32 
Met: I met this hottie at a wedding 4 years ago (I was married at the time, what does that tell you?)  He is a good friend of the groom.  I was never shy about the fact that I thought his friend was hot, and, his friend maybe liked my look too because there is a picture of him looking at my butt in a picture. (said pic is on fb- points if you figure out who Buddha is...)
Anyways, he ended up moving to NY, I became single and my bff (not the groom, although I do love him too) and I would talk about me and Buddha getting it on.  But, he had an Indian girlfriend.  He was visiting our common friends the other weekend and said to my girl that he was going to contact me! Yup, he brought it up.  She called with the good news and I said "yeah girl, give him my digits."  I was super excited. We then proceeded to find out as much personal info about him by looking at whatever was visible of his in their apartment. We learned he drives a Honda, uses soap and deodorant, looked thin, and wears 'outdoorsy stuff'. We are really bad spies. 

Date 1: coffee in the village
Buddha called me on Sunday, he doesn't waste much time.  I called back Monday and we chatted on the phone for a while.  We made plans to go for coffee on Wednesday afternoon, because he wasn't working. He is in grad school for psychology and IS working part time over the summer, I do respect that. 
We met, he didn't recognize me at first bc my hair is brown, it was blonde at the wedding. We went in, had coffee and talked so much. About so many things. We had a great conversation. After the coffee shop, we were there for prob an hour and a half, we left to walk around. Neither of us knew the neighborhood that well so we decided to walk......

In the park!

Amazing,  I know. We went to the Hudson River and walked up the park along the water. It's a beautiful park. We talked and talked. It was really hot and sunny too but there was never a lag in the conversation which was nice. He is tall, thin and still good looking.  We walked about 3 miles, then I had to get on the subway because I was late for an appointment. He didn't kiss me and I took this as he didn't like me.  I would like to out with him again though, maybe in the evening with a drink involved so it's a little more relaxing.  He did indeed text me a few days later to go to an outdoor movie in the park, but it fell on a day I had plans.  And sadly, I have plans everyday until I leave for Michigan so I can't see Buddha again before I leave!  Hopefully we can make a date when I get back. After waiting 4 years to go out with him, I dont want to give up so easily.

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